The Forest Wiki
Latin Paper
Latin Paper
Also known as
Missionary's Notes
Sinkhole Sketch
Sinkhole Photo
Added in
Item type
Cave 1 - Dead Cave
The Forest Map
Notes section of the Survival Guide
Max. Stack

The Latin Paper is a story item which contains lore about the Peninsula.


The Latin Paper can be found in Cave 1 - Dead Cave near the sinkhole entrance.

The contents of the paper is written in graphite, and include a drawing of a crucifix, notes in Latin, and a top-down drawing of the sinkhole. As per the rough translations found below, the notes seem to suggest Christian Missionaries attempted to fend off Virginia and mutant baby creepy mutants with crosses and traps, to no avail.

As such, the paper also suggests that the mutants and the sinkhole predate Sahara Therapeutics' activities on the Peninsula.

The paper may be related to the Virginia Sketch as both are sketched on paper with graphite, and both seem to belong to the Christian Missionaries, lending credence to the theory.

Rough Translations

Due to the text being so difficult to read, there are multiple possible translations that have been provided. See the discussion page for some more notes on the translation.

First Translation


Four or three pounds ,

( illegible )

1000 obilí ER MOIST SKIN .

Pale with pleaio end . 3 II Africans .

I purchased for Penda depressed .

An infant les n arrangements, in health.

Not a chain characteristics .

Lir out of nursing les Prar , Seibu does not replant

Cross did not help.

Traps are doing in the labor er not ask

5 Us and cable 's SEDUCTIVE n stink"

Second Translation

"Woman, Four legs,

you ought to be manifold-- I want to see-- [garbled text]

Movably I [garble] calloused.

[Pallide?] of connection. 3 [garbled]

deep things, a man halfway[?] sunk down.

Some certain infants are dead.

Not UNKLE [characteres?]

[garbled text] infants [garbled garbled] not [garbled text]

they aren't helpful OF A CROSS.

shackles you will toil and I would not ask [garbled] face

In his ways [garbled] OELENIFICUS don't!"

Third Translation

"Woman, four legs

Multiplying serious

Excellently moist skin Pale complexion The deep depressed rim

Some babies died

The uncle characteristics

Meaty infants, dogs

Cross did not help

Traps do not work, and you ask with his own ways out of the mouth

of the OELENIFICUS do not worry"


Update history

Version Changes
v0.18 Latin Paper added to the game