The Forest Wiki

Easter Eggs are parts of a game that are secret, and usually used to be funny or pay tribute to other games and/or the developers.

List of Easter Eggs[]

  • The Broken Plane (currently removed, possible in the Mountain Area) may have been intended to be an easter egg.
  • The Survivor movie script.
  • Lara Croft (the protagonist from Tomb Raider) appears as a human effigy in a cave.[2]
  • Around the shore line, you may find random boar skulls impaled on Spears (This is a reference to the book "Lord of the Flies" by William Golding.)
  • The Huddle (BLOB) reference.

    The Huddle (BLOB) reference.

    There is a reference to the Huddle(BLOB) from the game Inside. It can be seen in the observation room H at the laboratory.

The 3D model of the broken plane opened in the Unity editor. Note that it has no texture; the reason it was invisible in-game.


Boar skulls around the island.

The Survival Man movie script from the game

The Survival Man script

A corpse in a cave resembling Lara Croft skin.

A corpse in a cave resembling Lara Croft skin in a cave. Taken from Polish Youtube channel Amnimardon.[1]
